Friday, February 10, 2006 State
Colorado Bill Would Require Large Employers To
Contribute Percentage of Payroll Toward Health Benefits
A bill (HB 1316) that would require
large Colorado employers to contribute 11% of their payrolls toward health
benefits or pay the difference to the state's Medicaid program was
introduced in the state Legislature on Wednesday, the Denver Rocky Mountain News reports. The
bill is "widely thought" to target Wal-Mart, which employs 25,380 people in Colorado, but
it does not include specific names of affected companies, the Rocky
Mountain News reports. The bill would affect companies
with more than 3,500 workers, such as Centura Health, Safeway and Exempla Health, according to the Rocky Mountain
News. Similar bills are being sponsored in 30 other states,
according to the Rocky Mountain News (Brand, Denver
Rocky Mountain News, 2/9).